Teacher Training

Godly, quality leadership is important in the training and discipleship of children as members of Boys and Girls Bible Clubs. That is why we offer teacher training for anyone interested in becoming a volunteer Bible Club teacher.

This year highlights the

Life of Jesus Christ Series

Jesus in the New Testament

This series is loaded with practical, timely, and life-changing truths that leap out of the pages of Scripture to encourage, convict, and compel us to keep our eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, to put on the life-sustaining armor of God daily and to press forward to the upward, high-calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Wayne Training Class & Fall Workshop

September – Come to our full-day practical and inspiring Teacher Training Workshop! Sessions by experienced teachers include preparing the lesson, leading songs, motivating children to memorize, and sharing the gospel. Hundreds of affordable and hard-to-find resources will be available, including tracts, booklets, puppets and curriculum for K-6th grade children. Also, learn how you can share the gospel EVERY WEEK in your local public elementary school!  


October through March – Join us for a weekly teacher training class!  See an exciting demonstration of the lesson, songs, and memory verse for the upcoming week's Bible Club.  Various teaching materials are also available for purchase.  No charge to attend.


Call or email the office for more details on the September Workshop or the weekly training class.
