There are multiple ways you can help support Boys & Girls Bible Clubs.

Make a donation.

Gifts sent to the ministry from friends like you are the bedrock of our annual operating budget. Checks may be mailed to:

Boys and Girls Bible Clubs
16130 Northland Drive
Southfield, MI 48075-5218

Online giving options include: Credit card, Bank ACH or through PayPal Giving Fund.

You may also prefer to join our Automatic Donor Program. This offers you convenience, savings, and control. Simply fill out our form below and mail or scan/email back to us.

Note: Your donor information is confidential and never published or shared with others.

Big Heart Club

Make a difference and sponsor a club for one week, one month, or one year.

Memorial Honor Program

The memorial program gives you the opportunity to remember a deceased loved one or friend. An appropriate acknowledgement of your gift will be sent as you direct. You may also honor an individual on a special occasion and we will send an appropriate letter to the one you have honored.

In-Kind Gifts

For gifts of personal or real property, trusts, life insurance, marketable securities, gift annuities, donor advised funds or estates, please call (248) 355-9916 for more information.

James 5:16

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Partner with us in Prayer.

The true source of our power and ability to effect positive change in the children's lives is God working through your consistent prayers. Please pray daily for our children, teachers, office staff, and Board of Directors.

*Sign up to receive our bi-monthly newsletter! Call (248) 355-9916 or sign up below.

Sign up to receive our bi-monthly newsletter.

Help while you shop.

Boys and Girls Bible Clubs can also earn a donation every time you search the Internet or shop online. Search the web with Yahoo-powered GoodSearch and they will donate about a penny each time you search. Shop at more than 600 merchants including Amazon, Best Buy and others, and a percentage of each purchase will be donated.


We need teachers and workers in various areas. Teacher training is available, no experience necessary.