Our Clubs

We offer free, one-hour after school clubs for elementary age children all over the Metro Detroit area!

After School Clubs

One-hour after school Bible Clubs are held throughout the Metro Detroit area. Children come free! There are no admission fees or supplies to buy. The only requirement is a parent’s written permission to attend.


  • The safety of children who attend the Boys and Girls Bible Clubs activities is of paramount importance to us. We believe that preventative steps can be taken to ensure the safety of all children and those who work with them. We purpose to remain vigilant in our commitment by:

    • Only allowing children with permission slips signed by their parent or guardian to attend.

    • Ensuring children are supervised until an approved individual comes for them according to the instructions on their permission slips.

    • Requiring every Bible Club teacher complete an extensive application and be approved by our Board of Directors.

    • Performing a thorough background check through the Michigan State Police on every worker.

    • Distributing official Boys and Girls Bible Clubs photo identification badges to each Bible Club leader which must be worn during all activities.

    • Offering professional training on child protection to every Bible Club worker.

    • Requiring teachers to read our “Safeguarding Our Children” Child Protection Policy each year.

    • Maintaining a minimum of three workers in each club so no child is ever alone with an adult.

  • Print and fill out the permission slip and bring to the Bible Club at your child’s school.

  • Bible Clubs are for all elementary age children.

  • All clubs are completely free! There are no admission fees and no supplies to buy!

  • Four year curriculum includes Genesis, Exodus, Heroes of the Bible and the Life of Jesus Christ Series. Learn more about the curriculum.

Become a Volunteer.

Boys & Girls Bible Clubs exists because our dedicated volunteer teachers and helpers love God and want to share the Good News about Jesus with children. No experience is necessary, just a heart to nurture and teach children about the Word of God.

Boys & Girls Bible Clubs doesn’t happen without financial support from generous donors like you!

Note: Your donor information is confidential and never published or shared with others.